Thank you for your inquiry about a Purrrpetals Kitten.

As a breeder it is important for me to find the right applicant to offer the best new home environment and a responsible caring new owner for one of my Purrrpetals Kittens.

This inquiry form will help me determine how New Kitten Applicants can best meet the needs and personality of one of my Purrrpetals Kittens.

I do not have a waiting list as such, however, I do have a list of interested people/families.

I much prefer to match a kitten’s needs & personality, to who from my list can best meet a kitten’s needs. For example, I would not match a timid kitten to a family with very young children. Though I could match a confident kitten to a family with young children.

I welcome people who wish to arrange a chat with me in my home anytime. However, viewings of kittens is strictly after they are 9 weeks old and they have had their 1st vaccination.

I invite you to complete this questionnaire, completing all questions. With your agreement, can you please sign digitally your name/s to acknowledge the information you provide is accurate & true. That you also acknowledge all Purrrpetals Kittens are Registered with GCCF as Non-Active and will be Neutered / Spayed before leaving for their Forever Homes.

On completion of the questionnaire, when submitted, it will be received in my email;-

I will review your information & contact you within 7 days of receiving your details.

Addition to my list is subject to favorable information received.

Purrrpetals Ragdoll Cats

New Kitten Questionnaire

New Kitten Questionnaire